Pastor Sergey's Testimony

…Cheylabinsk, Russia church plant Pastor…

The infectious smile on his face radiates with Joy.
How in the world can this be when you pastor a church
in the most contaminated region on planet earth,
Chelyabinsk, Russia?


This young man, Pastor Sergey, is living proof that the “Work of Grace” is extraordinary…for him to believe that he could transport his wife and children to such a place and plant a multiplying and vibrant church!

Sergey, at the age of 18, was the oldest of 8 children. During his youth, he lived in a village in Russia with his mother and 7 other brothers and sisters.  His father passed away so he moved to the city of Perm, to try to find work so that he could support his mother and siblings. There was no job to be found, so he developed what he thought would help him, an alternative lifestyle…the lifestyle of a thief.

For several years, everything seemed to prosper until one day he got caught stealing and was sentenced to prison for 4 years. While in prison, he had a lot of time to think and read. While reflecting on his life before prison, he reminisced on how he used to plan to go on a drunken binge. He would purposely find religious people to drink with; just so he could find out everything he could about God.

While in prison he began to ferociously read the Gideon Bible.
While alone in his cell, he cried out to God,
accepted Jesus Christ, and was filled with the Holy Spirit.
He did not even know who or what the Holy Spirit was.
His passion for God was overwhelming and at the same time compelling.
So compelling that the prison had to move him to a separate area so other inmates could have access in asking him questions about the Bible & God.

As he was telling me his story, he grinned and said, “Almost everything I believed about God and taught others while in prison, I am realizing was wrong, but at that time I had no one to teach me.”

After being released early from prison, which was nothing less than a miracle; he began attending the New Testament Church and Bible School in Perm, Russia, with Pastor Edward Grabovenko. Sergey and Pastor Edward began working together in establishing a foundation for helping the needy.

God spoke to Pastor Edward to plant a church in the most polluted region in the history of planet earth, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
∗ Chelyabinsk’s pollution is equivalent to the nuclear waste from Hiroshima and
   Nagasaki atomic bombings.

∗ There are children born with all kinds of abnormalities such as no feet or hands.

∗ Rivers must have a fence surrounding them to keep people away from the polluted

Understandingly, people show very little interest in moving to Chelyabinsk, however, there is a population of 1.2 million people presently living there.

Pastor Edward could not find anyone who was willing to take his or her family to Chelyabinsk and plant the church. He asked Sergey if he would go and he said, “Yes.” After being there for only 3 months, the church was already averaging 50-100 people.
On January 9th, 10th, and 11th, in our “Christmas Crusade Outreach” in Chelyabinsk, over 2,500 people attended the 4 services.  Over 900 people accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts and lives!

Pastor Sergey and his church have their work cut out for them!

Not only is there contamination in the environment of Chelyabinsk; there is contamination of gross sin.  But in the midst of it all, Pastor Sergey and his church are determined to “Connect People To The Living God.”