A Special Message from Pastor Matthew Barnett
“Mikel French is not your “ordinary” evangelist—he is a vessel of super-duper, powerhouse Holy Ghost anointing. When God speaks through Mikel, everyone listens, gets saved, delivered and sanctified. He is so intensely obedient to the Holy Spirit that no one can leave the anointing. No one wants to. The presence of God that enters in through Mikel’s messages brings down multiple strongholds and breaks the strongest of yokes, yielding fruit of the miraculous transformation of those who are in the midst. The act of righteous submission, obedience, forgiveness and compassion cannot be escaped and the pure sweet fragrance of God’s love permeates, generating and unadulterated revival. At least that’s what happened at our church. I encourage anyone who is blessed with the opportunity to experience this very special evangelism to rent a lot more chairs and get ready for a unusually supercharged revival.”
--Matthew Barnett
Senior Pastor
Dream Center
Los Angeles, CA